A Lifestyle website by Amber Lucas: travel, wine, and culture.

French Lessons: Mini Tour de France

Welcome back to the deuxième versement of Amber's Mouthwash French Lessons! Today, I am super excited. I have discovered something that I cannot wait to share with you, and visit myself!
Paris summer trip, 2006
Can you imagine seeing all the highlights of not just Paris, but of France? Imagine experiencing the grandeur of Versailles, the castles of the Loire Valley, the cathedrals of northwestern France, Mont St. Michel, the vineyards of Bordeaux, the sun-drenched buildings of the South, and everything in between? Sounds magical, doesn't it? What if I told you that you could do ALL of this not in a year, a month, not even a week - but in a day? Pas possible! you'd say. But, mais oui! C'est possible! And, you will even have time for votre dejeuner. I promise.
nomming on the Pont des Arts, Paris summer trip 2006
each landmark/monument is 1/30 of it's real life component
Welcome to France Miniature.  This park which is in the hexagonal shape of France, brings all that the country has to offer, to your...knees. Well, almost.  Located about 20 miles west from the center of Paris in the town of Elancourt, France Miniature contains about 160 miniatures of France's most popular landmarks and monuments. The park is situated on 12 acres, with the attractions approximately located in their real world location (including oceans)! This adorable park even includes the system of TVG trains (also mini).

Much of the park along with it's landmarks and monuments are animated: think cars "driving" along freeways, and trains coasting along rails; even boats sailing by.
Don't like being on the outside looking in? You're in luck! The park also has incredibly detailed monuments from the inside point of view too. See parts of Versailles that the rest of the public doesn't get to see when they are at the real palace!

Readers, I think that a date is in order, yes? Meet me by the miniature Eiffel Tower, at noon, for lunch. I'll be the one with the nutella, and the huge smile on my face.


PS: A big huge, warm welcome to my new followers! Welcome to (my already faithful reader) Chic n' Cheap Living,  Nelly of Mascara Massacre, and Adriana of Little Petite! Thank you so much you guys! It means a lot.<3
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